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Introductory Essay

In high school I wasn’t really the best at reading and writing. In fact, I struggled a lot in these subjects. These subjects were not really my strong suit. I have some strengths and weaknesses when it comes to these subjects.

I have some strengths when it comes to reading and writing. One strength that I have in writing is that I can find good evidence that relates to the topic that I am writing about. This is really important when it comes to writing because if you don’t have good evidence, then people won’t believe the argument that you are making. So it is very important that you find good  evidence so that you can relate it back to the topic you are writing about. Another strength that I have in writing is that I am good at giving necessary background information. Background information is important in writing so that the readers who are reading your essay can understand the topic even more. If the readers can’t understand your topic, then they will just be lost in your essay. A strength that I have in reading is that I tend to read slower so that I can actually understand what I am reading. I can get a good understanding of a article because I take my time reading. Those are my strengths in these two subjects.

I have a lot of weaknesses when it comes to reading and writing. One weakness I have in writing is that I don’t know how to start an essay. When my teacher back in high school gave me a writing assignment, I would ask her for help because I didn’t know how to start it. I had trouble catching the reader’s attention with a good hook. Another weakness that I have in writing is that I struggle relating the evidence I gathered with the topic I’m writing about. I have trouble analyzing the evidence so that it relates back to the argument. Another weakness I have is that I have trouble transitioning from one thing to another. For example, I don’t know how to transition from one paragraph to another. Transition is important in writing because it allows your writing to flow. Without transition, there would be no flow. One weakness I have in reading is that since I read slow, It takes me longer to finish reading something than other people. I usually tend to fall behind when reading articles because I read so slow. Those are My weaknesses in these two subjects.

The topic of Homeland security interested me for one reason. I was interested in the topic of Homeland Security because I wanted to learn about possible dangers like terrorism and other hazards that intends to harm the ways of life and what we can do to defend ourselves. I wanted to learn what the U.S. does to defend ourselves against possible threats like diseases and terrorists etc. That is what drew me to the topic of Homeland Security.