Self-Assessment Essay

Throughout this FIQWS composition course, there has been several learning outcomes. Some examples of learning outcomes would be searching for good resources, analyzing texts, and engaging in collaborative aspects of writing. Because of this course, I was able to learn new writing techniques and implement these skills into my writing assignments.

I have explored and analyzed a variety of genres and rhetorical situations. In the class, Me and my classmates read “Introduction to Ignorance: How it Drives Science” and were assigned to analyze the passage using techniques we learned in class. I said,

“Throughout the book, Stuart Firestein repeats the word Ignorance more than ten times. The definition of ignorance is having a lack or information or knowledge. Stuart stressed that science was not a collection of facts, but trying to figure out the unknown. I believe that Stuart repeats the word ignorance so that readers can capture the real definition of science.”

I analyzed a passage using skills I picked up in class. I was able to analyze the passage by finding words that repeat and figuring out how the repetition of that word relates to the main idea the author was trying to convey.

I have developed strategies for collaborating, revising, and editing. After creating drafts for our writing assignments, me and my peers would group together, read each other’s work, and provide suggestions to help improve our writing. Some suggestions my classmates gave to me were,

“First, they helped me fix some grammar mistakes I made. I didn’t really make a lot of grammar mistakes but I fixed all of them. Second, they made me realize that I did not use “I say” in my essay. I was not aware that I was supposed to use “I say” in my essay until they told me to do so. When I went over my essay, I made sure to include “I say”. Lastly, They told me that I should add more to my introduction and conclusion to make them more stronger.”

Me and my class peers came together and help each other improve our writing by giving suggestions to each other. We would tell each other if we needed to make grammar corrections or improve certain parts of our essays.

I can locate research sources and compose texts that integrate my stance with appropriate sources. I am able to find good sources and use text that support my claim and relate it back to the main idea of the writing assignment. In my RCA assignment I mentioned,

“‘Burning fossil fuels emits a number of air pollutants that are harmful to both the environment and public health.Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions, primarily the result of burning coal, contribute to acid rain and the formation of harmful particulate matter. In addition, SO2 emissions can exacerbate respiratory ailments, including asthma, nasal congestion, and pulmonary inflammation. In 2014, fossil fuel combustion at power plants accounted for 64 percent of US SO2 emissions.”(1)’

The gases released into the atmosphere by fossil fuels when burned can cause acid rain which can be harmful to animals in the water, plants, and structures in cities. Fossil fuel emissions also cause asthma, nasal congestion, and pulmonary inflammation in humans.”

I managed to find a good source and analyze it in a way that it can relate to the main point of the RCA assignment.

One area in which I feel like I have not progressed would be practicing systematic application of citations. The citations can vary depending on the type of source it is. I struggle in citations because I feel like we have not spent enough time with them. I don’t know what information I need to include in the citations nor in what order. If we would have spent enough time on how to create citations, I might of been able to improve in that area.

In conclusion, there were various learning outcomes that came out from this class. Although I struggled in creating citations for my resources, I have learned skills that I will be able to use in future writing assignments such as finding good resources that supports my claims, analyzing evidence, and working with my peers for revision. This course really impacted me and my writing skills for the better.